IFIC Bank, Principal Branch & Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd inked MoU
Under this MoU, purchasers of Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd apartments can avail IFIC Bank home loan (IFIC Aamar bari) facilities with priority service

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Institutional Banking Facilities was signed between IFIC Bank Ltd., Principal Branch and Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd. on 25 October 2021 at Rupayan City Uttara, Dhaka, read a press release.
Hossain Shah Ali, Chief Manager of IFIC Bank Principal Branch and M. Mahabubur Rahman, Deputy Managing Director, Rupayan City Uttara signed on behalf of their respective organizations.
Under this MoU, purchasers of Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd. apartments can avail IFIC Bank home loan (IFIC Aamar bari) facilities with priority service. Ferdousi Begum, Head of Retail Banking, IFIC Bank Ltd., Abdur Rahman, Relationship Manager,
Corporate Business, IFIC Bank Ltd., Naeema C. Quayes, Relationship Manager, Retail Banking of IFIC Principal Branch, Sheikh Seraj Uddin, Senior Genaral Manager-CSD, Rupayan City Uttara, Mr. A.K.M.
Ashraful Akhluck, Head of Loan and Registration, Rupayan City Uttara along with higher officials from both respective organizations also attended the event.