SSC 2024: Less GPA-5 holders than last year
The total number of students who secured GPA 5 in SSC and equivalent exams dropped by 1,449 in a year

Fewer students have secured GPA-5 in the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examinations in 2024 compared to last year.
As many as 1,82,129 students of the 20,13,597 who sat for the exams this year have secured GPA-5, which amounts to 9.04%.
The number of GPA-5 last year was 1,83,578.
Meanwhile, girls have outshined boys in both the pass rate and the number of GPA-5 like last year.
83.04% of the students who participated in this year's SSC and equivalent examinations have passed.
Among the boys, the pass rate is 81.57%. For girls, it is 84.47%.
The number of GPA-5 shows a similar picture.
8.42% of the boys (83,353) secured GPA-5, while 9.63% girls (98,776) did.
Out of all three disciplines in SSC, science students have the highest pass rate, followed by Business Studies and Humanities.