Boss asks employee to call in sick after she went for an '8-minute' washroom break
Since the woman shared about what her boss said, many people on Reddit slammed the management

A woman took to Reddit and claimed that her boss asked her to use her sick leave after she went to use the washroom for 'eight minutes.' Since she posted about this incident on the story-sharing platform, it left many angered. Some even slammed her boss for making such demands.
The post was shared on Reddit by user 'SpecterGygax.' She wrote "I work from home and stepped away from my workstation to use the bathroom this morning. Halfway through my eight-minute bathroom break, I got a voicemail from my boss telling me that I either needed to call in sick, take PTO or get back online right now. I reiterated, I was offline for eight minutes and they wanted me to use a sick day. I frequently skip breaks and work past when my shift is set to end. I got this job in my second year in college because I was sick of working retail."
She further added, "This job has slowly become much worse than retail. The customers are worse, the supervisors don't care if they verbally abuse you, schedules can get changed without any notification, and they give people work that they legally can't be asked to do because the company won't foot the bill to give employees proper qualifications. Additionally, we get paid less than we would working at McDonald's. It was a decent place for a college student to work in at first, but this entire company has gone to hell."
This post was shared a few days ago on Reddit. Since being shared, it has gained more than 7,000 upvotes and numerous comments.
Here's how Redditors reacted to the post:
An individual wrote, "With work-from-home employees, managers have a lot more work to do because they have to justify their position when their team is as productive or more productive without their micromanaging. This sounds like the manager is trying to justify his position by saying he caught an employee abusing breaks."
A second added, "Lodge a complaint with HR about harassment. Voicemail and warning can be part of your paper trail."
A third commented, "Obviously it's time to leave and make more at McDonald's, but on your way out, report them for every illegal action, wage theft, and dirty laundry that you can. Everything. If you're lucky, they'll retaliate, and you can get a nice severance."
A fourth said, "Act your wage. Take your breaks."