EMK celebrates Left Handers Day 2021
Every year, the left-handers day is celebrated on August 13, globally.

The International Left-Handers Day 2021 was celebrated with a webinar last Thursday. EMK Center in Collaboration with Moner Bondhu arranged the session with a view to breaking the stigma about left-handed people, states a press release.
The session was conducted by Shakila Parvin Bristy, a Psychosocial Counselor of Moner Bondhu.
Shakila Parvin Bristy shared her experience of growing up as a lend-handed individual and explained the scientific orientation of the human brain. She also pointed out some basic problems the left-handers usually have to face.
"The chairs of educational institutions, keyboards, applications on cell phones and most of the things that we use in our daily life are designed mostly for right-handed people," claimed Shakila Parvin Bristy.
However, there are some advantages that left-handed people enjoy. "The thought process and activities of a left-hander are more dominated by the right side of their brain, unlike right-handers. As a result, they can write or work faster than the right-handers," said Shakila Parvin Bristy
She also said that because of family pressure or social norms, some of the left-handers even learn how to work with both hands, which eventually makes them ambidextrous and helps them to multitask. The family pressure for becoming right-handers, social myths and superstitions regarding them makes their life difficult at times and needs to be discouraged.
To break the stigma, she provided a list of left-handed persons who became famous, that included Angelina Jolie, Sachin Tendulkar, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and many others.
Every year, left-handers day is celebrated on August 13 globally.