Freshwater crocodile rescued from Rajshahi pond
Hundreds of men and women flocked on the bank of the pond to see the crocodile

A freshwater crocodile was caught from a pond in Charghat area of Rajshahi on Sunday.
Two teams of Wildlife Management and Nature Conservation Division of Rajshahi and Charghat fire service rescued the crocodile at 4:30pm.
Hundreds of men and women flocked on the bank of the pond to see the crocodile, which hampered the rescue drive.
A person named Mominul Islam spotted the crocodile first. He said, "On Sunday morning, I saw the crocodile in the pond. I called other locals to see. Then we informed upazila Chairman Fakhrul Islam and the fire service."
Inspector of the Wildlife Management and Nature Conservation Division of Rajshahi Jahangir Kabir said the crocodile was supposed to be in the Padma river.
"I think the crocodile came to the pond through a channel from the Padma," he said.
Upazila Nirbahi Officer Muhammad Nazmul Haque said the Wildlife Management and Nature Conservation Division kept the crocodile in their custody.