Bscic fair draws crowds on weekends in Habiganj
The fair remains open from 10am to 10pm every day

The month-long small and cottage industry fair in Habiganj witnessed a large number of visitors on weekends since it kicked off in the last week of December 2021.
On the occasion of the Birth Centenary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the golden jubilee of independence, the Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (Bscic) has organised the fair on the new field of Habiganj, following health guidelines.
The fair remains open from 10am to 10pm every day, a statement said on Saturday.

Bscic Habiganj Assistant General Manager Nazmul Hossain said some 65 small and cottage entrepreneurs are participating in the fair to exhibit and sell a wide range of handicrafts, home appliances, leather goods, and food items.
Cottage entrepreneurs are happy over the rising trend of visitors and sales in the fair on the weekends, Md Abdul Barik, public relations officer of Bscic, said.
Habiganj-3 constituency MP Advocate Md Abu Zahir inaugurated the month-long fair on 23 December last year as the chief guest.