KSRM – providing for the poor and helpless
The industrial giant has given rickshaws and CNG-run autorickshaws to more than 200 families plus built houses for over 300 helpless people

One of the country's top industrial giants, Kabir Steel Re-rolling Mills (KSRM), has been helping the poor and helpless as part of its corporate social responsibility programme.
Previously, the company gave rickshaws and CNG-run autorickshaws to more than 200 families plus built houses for over 300 helpless people.
KSRM constructed village protection embankments to prevent river erosion and protect 2,500 village residents. It has also been running different programmes including one that distributes gifts to freedom fighters and another that awards new architects – to inspire them.
The organisation awarded new architects under its programme titled "KSRM Awards for Future Architects: Best Undergraduate Thesis." The awards were handed out after a project display of the best theses of 10 educational institutions – the jury board then provided their analysis of the work.
The awards were distributed at a function at the luxury hotel InterContinental Dhaka on the night of January 8.
The 30 best research papers of the 10 educational institutions affiliated with the Bangladesh Institute of Architects – three from each of the institutions – were displayed. Former president of the institute Architect Mobasher Hossain and Director of KSRM Sarwar Jahan inaugurated the exhibition at the Institute of Business Administration's office, in Agargaon, Dhaka.
KSRM Director Sarwar Hossain said, "We are overwhelmed seeing the participation of students and their guardians – as well as their interests. We always try to stand by meritorious students. We try to properly evaluate their merit and efficiency."
"This programme is part of an ongoing initiative. The best architecture students will be identified by the projects they display. They will be introduced to pragmatic architecture before they complete their academic life."
Sources at KSRM said in the last year the organisation has built houses for more than 300 families in Nalua of Satkania upazila in Chattogram. Additionally, it has distributed rickshaws and CNG-run autorickshaws to more than 200 families – to improve their standard of living.
It has undertaken an initiative to save about 2,500 villagers from the Dalu River's erosion, in Satkania, by constructing a protection embankment. The business group spent Tk2 crore to build the dam.
The KSRM Group creates job opportunities for educated people in Satkania. Further, every Ramadan, it provides financial assistance to 1,000 families in the area through the "Nagad" programme of the postal department.
The industrial giant also patronises the Sheikh Kamal Football Tournament in every upazila. In addition, it has provided assistance in modernising the Chattogram Metropolitan Police West zone, Bandar zone, and different police stations in the city – particularly the Kotwali Police Station.
The industrial group also helped set up CC cameras at Bagmoniram School, set up the Chattogram Information Centre, and build a retaining wall at the Sitakunda Highway Police Station and Baro Aulia police outpost.
When the Chattogram Medical College faced a potable drinking water crisis, the KSRM group set up a deep tube well and a water treatment plant at a cost of Tk20 lakh. Throughout, the company has regularly been distributing gifts to the freedom fighters.
Shariar Jahan, deputy managing director of KSRM Steel Plant, said, "KSRM prioritises providing services alongside business. We always stress the importance of the country's development and social responsibility alongside the development of an area."
Mizanul Islam, media adviser of the group, said, "Our organisation does not believe in social responsibility for show. Our firm silently comes forward to assist all. KSRM extends its helping hand in all areas instead of prioritizing solely its own area."