Smugglers flee scene leaving 5.2 lakh yaba pills
A home-made gun, two rounds of ammunition and a home-made knife were recovered as well

A group of yaba smugglers escaped by jumping into the river leaving a boat full of contraband yaba tablets behind when members of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) intercepted them in Teknaf, Cox's Bazar.
The smugglers also opened gunshots on the BGB team at that time in Omarkhal in Damdamiya BOP early Sunday.
Later, BGB seized the 5.20 lakh pieces of yaba tablets from their boat. A home-made gun, two rounds of ammunition and a home-made knife were recovered as well.
However, the BGB could not arrest any of the drug smugglers.
Major Rubayet Kabir, deputy commander of BGB-2 in Teknaf, said, "BGB members were patrolling in the area upon a tip-off that a consignment of yaba would arrive through Omarkhal Point. Shortly afterwards, four young men were seen coming to the border on a boat."
"When they entered within a kilometre of the Bangladesh territory, they were told to stop. But they started to fire at us. When the BGB fired in defence, some of them sustained wounds and jumped into the water. After much searching, they could not be found. Later, huge yaba tablets in five plastic bags were seized from the boat."
He also said that a case has been filed in this regard.