DSCC demands unreasonable tax from Gonoshasthaya: Dr Zafrullah
We are not commercial. I will also pay tax at the same rate as other government hospitals, he says

Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) has recently claimed that Dhanmondi's Gonoshasthaya Nagar Hospital owes about Tk2.4 crore in municipal tax in 24 years, said Ganoshasthaya Kendra founder Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury.
However, the Gonoshasthaya Kendra founder said that this demand of the city corporation is unreasonable.
He made the remarks to media after handing over a cheque worth Tk10 lakh to DSCC Executive Magistrate Md Moniruzzaman on Wednesday (20 July) afternoon as part of the outstanding holding tax.
Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury said, Gonoshasthaya is a charity organisation.
"Everyone knows that we pay the lowest amount for treatment – even at lower cost than the government. Our demand was to pay tax at the same rate as the other government hospitals including Dhaka Medical College Hospital," he said.
Executive Magistrate Moniruzzaman informed reporters that there is an order from the mayor to collect the outstanding revenue of Dhaka South City Corporation so the revenue officer and councillor came along with him to collect outstanding taxes.
"We met Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury today to inform him about the outstanding tax of Tk2.40 crore they owe us, to which, he responded that the Gonoshasthaya founder will discuss with the mayor how to waive the amount," he said.
The revenue officer said, "This hospital in Dhanmondi was previously a two-storied building. Later, it was made seven-storied, and then 10-storied. But Gonoshasthaya has been paying tax at the older rate."
Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury said there are more government hospitals there, but DSCC decided to tax this hospital as a commercial building.
"We are not commercial. I will also pay tax at the same rate as other government hospitals."
He further said if the tax rate depends on the area, he will clear the due if he is given a payment period of 15-30 days.
Jahangir Alam Mintu, press adviser of Gonoshasthaya Kendra, Nazrul Islam Babul, local ward councillor, etc were also present at the time.