NU to publish honours 4th-year result tonight
A total of 214,844 students from 676 colleges with 30 different subjects participated in the examination. The average pass rate of the exam is 72%

The National University (NU) is going to publish its honours fourth year result tonight around 9pm.
Foyzul Karim, an acting officer at the university's public relations, information and adviser division, confirmed the news to The Business Standard.
A total of 214,844 students from 676 colleges with 30 different subjects participated in the examination. The average pass rate of the exam is 72%.
Students can check their results by visiting university website ( or
In addition, students can get their results by sending sms from mobile phone. They have to send sms by following nu<space>H4<space>Reg No (last seven digits) to 16222.
The combined result of four year honours degree will be published next week.