E-commerce platform Salextra begins journey in Bangladesh
It is expected to establish and maintain a good enjoyable experience for it’s customers with new campaigns on regular basis

Salextra Shop (www.salextra.com.bd), a brand-new online shopping platform for the mobile, electronic gadgets and consumer electronics has recently launched in Bangladesh.
It is expected to establish and maintain a good enjoyable experience for it's customers with new campaigns on regular basis, says a press release.
Salextra Shop is a new addition to the E-Commerce Industry where everyone will get authentic electronics products in good price, delivery within promised timeline, and with flexible payment options, says the press release.
Bangladesh's economy is thriving positively with the tech savvy young generation. All the problems related to e-commerce business are being resolved one by one such as payment hassle, delivery problems, infrastructural development. With the quick growth of MFS and online banking, E-commerce platforms are creating positive impact on Bangladesh's economy by creating jobs, providing new revenue earning avenues. Salextra shop founders (Shakib and Fahriyar), two friends, shared the same vision to bring global brands to the doorsteps of the customers and create the trust among the customers on E-Commerce platforms.
While discussing on their dream project, Salextra Limited Managing Director, Shakib Arafat said "In all of our campaigns, we will not overpromise to customers, we will offer whatever we can and extend the same to our valued customers" Then again, he added, bringing the confidence on buying products from e-commerce is our main objective. We are focusing on the supply chain and the on-time delivery automation so that customer can easily track the products on real time basis.
Salextra Online Shop CEO Chowdhury Fahriyar said "We are here for sustainable and steady growth of our platform and businesses while creating a good pool of delighted customers. We are not here to be phenomenal; we want ourselves to be remembered for our products and services"
Salextra Shop Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/salextraretail
Website: https://salextra.com.bd/