Risk of nutritional deficiency is there

We went through the coronavirus pandemic in the last two years. And we have a lot to learn from the pandemic.
The biggest lesson we can learn from Covid is to think about prevention. It is not only necessary to increase the number of general beds, ICU beds, and oxygen cylinders in hospitals, but the emphasis should also be placed on prevention.
Steps should be taken to increase awareness among people about disease prevention. Publicity should be increased, counseling should be arranged to develop a healthy lifestyle and eating habits among people.
A lot of infrastructural development has taken place, and manpower has been recruited during the Covid period, but all the capacity is on the clinical side. We now feel that we have a lot of capacity and now we won't have any more problems. But that is not the case. Increasing capacity on the clinical side alone cannot yield desired benefits.
Preventive measures must be enhanced and sustained.
We need to increase our preventive capacity. If there is no disease, there will be no need for treatment.
Not only coronavirus but also cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and non-communicable diseases are spreading a lot. Non-communicable diseases are increasing in cities.
Urban people do not get proper primary health care. Not only the Ministry of Health but also the local government should come forward to protect the health of the people of the cities.
Emphasis should be placed on exercise, eating nutritious food, washing hands, and wearing masks, then non-communicable diseases will not increase, and people's out-of-pocket expenditure and pressure on hospitals will be reduced.
We need to focus on nutrition so that we do not fall ill for undernourishment. Now commodity prices have gone up, so there is a risk of nutritional deficiency. But it should be kept in mind that nutritious food does not mean expensive food such as chicken and eggs. Vegetables also have nutrients. Even if the prices of vegetables have increased, we can still afford greens and gourds. Now those who have scopes should grow vegetables in their backyard.
There is a risk of an increase Covid infections next year as well. As Covid is not completely gone from the world, it may see an upsurge anytime. Now infections are increasing in China, Japan, and India. Infections are increasing in these countries due to the mutation of different Covid variants. Any mutation can also happen in our country. Therefore, emphasis should be placed on hygiene and vaccination.
Initiatives should be taken on how to increase the rate of receiving the fourth dose of the Covid vaccine.
Genome sequencing of the coronavirus should be done to see if there is any change in the coronavirus that we have locally.

TBS Staff Correspondent Tawsia Tajmim talked with Dr Abu Jamil Faisal, Public health expert and member of the Public Health Advisory Committee on Covid-19