Directorate of Primary Education instructs to keep govt schools open despite cyclone Sitrang

The Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) has decided to keep government primary schools open despite the dire situation caused by cyclonic storm Sitrang.
Instructions have been given to the field-level officers and teachers to continue regular teaching, said a notification signed by DPE Assistant Director Nasreen Sultana on Monday (24 October).
According to the instructions, contact should be maintained with the local district and upazila administration regarding the continuation of classes in schools along with taking precautionary measures regarding the possible impact of cyclone Sitrang in other districts including the coastal districts of Chattogram, Khulna and Barisal divisions.
The field officers have been instructed to take necessary measures to continue the regular teaching of the students by communicating with them.
Meanwhile, considering the Sitrang situation, the Ministry of Education has announced the closure of all educational institutions in the Chattogram, Khulna, and Barisal divisions. This instruction was given in a notification sent by the ministry on Monday night.
Instructions have also been given to make shelters for the affected people in the closed educational institutions of these departments. Schools and colleges will be opened again for teaching when the situation returns back to normal.
However, Parents and school authorities are distressed with this directive as many areas have been inundated due to incessant rains brought on by Cyclone Sitrang and students are unable to reach the schools.
Nazma Begum, a guardian of a student of Katalgonj Government Primary School, took her daughter to school but was the only one there.
She also said, "Tide water entered many areas of the city during the night, due to which most of the parents could not bring their children to school. How did the Directorate of Primary Education decide to keep government primary schools open when almost all educational institutions in the country are closed due to the cyclone?"
Katalgonj Government Primary School Principal Supon Mollik told TBS, "Today, less than 10% of the students have come to school. But since there was no decision to close the school, we came to the school. On the contrary, yesterday [Monday] night, the Directorate of Primary Education gave instructions to field level officers and teachers to continue regular classes."
At around 11 o'clock, teacher Sabina Sultana was seen teaching seven students in a class of Gulazar Government Primary School in Chowkbazar area.
The teacher said, "There are 50 students present in this class every day, but only seven arrived today. Not a single student showed up in other classes. Many surrounding areas have been flooded, so students could not come to school. But since there is no decision to close the school, we have to come."
However, a few government primary schools were found to be closed in several low-lying areas of the city.