Macmillan publishes Prof Imtiaz Hussain's book on Multifaceted Development

Professor Dr Imtiaz A Hussain, a distinguished academic and expert in the field of International Relations from the Department of Global Studies and Governance (GSG) at Independent University, Bangladesh(IUB), has published his highly anticipated book titled "Multifaceted Development: A Bangladesh Case Study".
The book, published by Palgrave Macmillan, delves into the intricacies of Bangladesh's modernization and provides case studies on both national and sub-national government levels. It also offers a comprehensive analysis of the various dimensions of the modernization process in Bangladesh, with a particular focus on pedagogy. It explores the impacts of modernization and the challenges, opportunities, and transformative outcomes.
Prof Dr Hussain collaborated with a number of authors including IUB faculty members Prof Yusuf Mahbubul Islam, Obydullah Al Marjuk, Refat Ara Jerin, Tanvir Ahmed Haroon, and undergraduate student Sharnila Nuzhat Kabir.
An online copy of the book can be accessed at the following link: