Grameenphone, a2i to catalyze 'Smart Bangladesh' vision through digital solutions

Grameenphone Limited has recently signed an agreement with Aspire to Innovate (a2i) regarding the inclusion of Direct Operator Billing (DOB) as a payment method initially for 33 public services.
This will enable convenient, fast and secured payment through mobile balance by people currently underserved by formal banking and financial institutes, according to a press release issued Monday (26 December).
Dr Dewan Muhammad Humayun Kabir, Project Director, a2i chaired the agreement ceremony where, Yasir Azman, CEO, Grameenphone Ltd and Rezwanul Haque Jami, Head of Business Development, a2i were present among other participants from both parties.
With the ambition of moving from Digital Bangladesh to Smart Bangladesh by 2041, this facility will be expanded into larger and more strategic sectors in the coming days which will unleash the immense possibility of digital for its substantial base of over 81 million subscribers spreading all across the nation.
This partnership between GP & a2i will act as the cornerstone for future growth of both the parties and will also greatly help to empower the society as a whole. This is being seen as a vital step towards achieving bigger goals together.
On the same day, another agreement was signed between the two parties regarding placement of Digibox at GP House premises, which will facilitate seamless and contactless delivery of online orders and parcels in designated and secured boxes exclusively for all GP employees.
Recipients of the parcel from Daraz will be able to collect their ordered goods from the secured boxes at their convenient time using an OTP SMS without having any physical interaction with the delivery-person.
"As the connectivity Partner to Digital Bangladesh, we consider it our responsibility to always facilitate people with befitting innovations and technologies to transform their lives. We are constantly exploring and incorporating tech-based ideas and features into our services so that Grameenphone subscribers from all over the country can utilize the momentum of digital to the fullest. Through facilities like DOB, Digibox, and many more to come in the future, we shall reach our desired peak of the digital revolution as an advanced nation while making inclusion a reality." said Yasir Azman, CEO of Grameenphone.
The Project Director (Joint Secretary) of a2i Dr Dewan Muhammad Humayun Kabir said, "Digital Bangladesh has enormously changed our lives, thought processes, and decision-making ability to serve the citizens of our country, driving the country towards continuous innovation to build Smart Bangladesh. The whole country would have been in a dire situation if the Ministries, a2i, and Telcos were not working together during Covid. Grameenphone and a2i have been working on many projects and their partnership has been a true contribution to the people of Bangladesh. In continuation with the partnership, a2i would like to further strengthen the partnership with GP through an operation commencement ceremony that will enhance the commitment to serve the citizens considering the strength both parties possess."