BICM arranges training for British High Commission - Dhaka staff

Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market (BICM) organised a two-day long training to the British High Commission - Dhaka staff members on 22 and 23 November.
BICM Executive President Professor Dr Mahmuda Akhter attended the opening and closing of the training programme, said a press release.
The eight - session training programme was held following the recently organised Bangladesh Investment Summit in the UK in November to attract more UK investors in the Bangladesh capital market.
Speakers discussed various topics including operation, regulation, institutional infrastructure, performance, and foreign investment potential of the Bangladesh capital market.
Dr Mahmuda Akhter urged strengthening the UK-Bangladesh investment relationship through collaboration and exchange of knowledge.
Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission Director Mutasim Billah and Additional Director Mollah Md Miraz-Us-Sunnah, Managing Director of Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd Tariqul Amin Bhuiyan, Vice Chairman of Shanta Asset Management Limited Arif Khan, Chairman of Asian Tiger Ifty Islam, Dhaka University Assistant Professor of Finance Sajib Hossain, and BICM Research Fellow and Dhaka University Associate Professor Dr Suborna Barua served the training programme as session facilitators.