BCSIR convenes workshop on BTRI's role in biomedical research

Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR) held a stakeholder workshop titled "BTRI's Role in Biomedical Research for Improving the Quality of Health Services-2025."
The workshop was held at the IFST Auditorium of BCSIR on Monday. The Honourable Chairman of the Council, Dr Samina Ahmed, attended as the chief guest. The special guests were Member (Development) Kazi Anwar Hossain, Member (Finance) Mr Roknuzzaman, Member (Science and Technology) Dr Mosa: Hosne Ara Begum, and Council Secretary Mohammad Shahidul Haque Patwary.
The workshop's chief guest, the Chairman of BCSIR, addressed the participants and said, "BCSIR is working for the welfare of the countrymen.
So, those of you who are wealthy in society or involved in business and research can open new business horizons with the methods invented by BTRI or BCSIR. "
The workshop was presided over by BTRI Acting Director and Chief Scientific Officer-Dr. Md. Abdus Sattar.
He mentioned that "BTRI is BCSIR's newest research laboratory. All the scientists here are relentlessly researching to make this research centre state-of-the-art."
As a stakeholder, Dr S M Abdur Rahman, former Chairman of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology, University of Dhaka, requested the responsible authorities to extend all BCSIR services to the country's remote areas.
With the overall support of Md. Abdur Rahim, Senior Scientific Officer of BITRI, attended the workshop by more than 60 industrial organisations, researchers, and academics from various universities, including Square, Incepta, Acme, and Nestle.