Researchers propose MMR booster vaccine to combat Covid-19
The MMR vaccine is what’s known as a live vaccine. It uses highly weakened, or attenuated, versions of the measles, mumps and rubella viruses to produce immune protection without making people sick

According to a team of researchers in the US, an everyday vaccine that is available now might be used to help prevent the worst effects of coronavirus infection.
The researcher team proposed giving a booster dose of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine to people to see if it ramps up immunity in general, perhaps helping prevent some of the most severe effects of Covid-19, reports the CNN.
The MMR vaccine is known to protect kids against infections that go far beyond the three viruses targeted by the vaccine.
The theory is that the vaccine boosts general immunity, in addition to training the body to recognize specific viruses.
The MMR vaccine is what's known as a live vaccine. It uses highly weakened, or attenuated, versions of the measles, mumps and rubella viruses to produce immune protection without making people sick. Because it uses whole viruses, it stimulates an immune response that is broad and goes beyond the production of antibodies.
"There is mounting evidence that live attenuated vaccines provide nonspecific protection against lethal infections unrelated to the target pathogen of the vaccine by inducing 'trained' nonspecific innate immune cells for improved host responses against subsequent infections," Paul Fidel of Louisiana State University and Mairi Noverr of Tulane University wrote in a letter to the journal mBio.
"A clinical trial with MMR in high-risk populations may provide a 'low-risk–high-reward' preventive measure in saving lives during this unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic," they wrote.
There's no serious risk to giving the vaccine to most people and the approach might be especially effective for protecting health care workers, they said.
"If we're wrong, well, at least people will have new antibodies to measles, mumps and rubella. So there's no harm, no foul," Fidel said.
"We emphasize this is strictly a preventive measure against the worst inflammatory sequelae of Covid-19 for those exposed/infected and does not represent an antiviral therapy or vaccine against Covid-19 in any manner," Fidel and Noverr added in their letter.