Grameenphone wins ‘Corporate Governance Excellence Award’ from ICSB
The 7th ICSB National Award for Corporate Governance Excellence, 2019, took place recently at Radisson Blu Water Garden Hotel in Dhaka

Grameenphone has been awarded Gold Medal for "Corporate Governance Excellence Award" under "IT and Telecom Companies" category by the Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB).
The 7th ICSB National Award for Corporate Governance Excellence, 2019, took place recently at Radisson Blu Water Garden Hotel in Dhaka, said a press release.
SM Imdadul Haque, company secretary of Grameenphone, said, "The award stands as a testimony of the transparency, which ensures strong and balanced organizational practices."
"On this achievement, I would like to convey my thanks to all of my colleagues who generated this massive task with the highest precision, accurateness and helped us build a positive image across the nation," he added.
Over 150 companies submitted their annual reports for the 2019 fiscal year. Among them, 35 companies from 13 different categories won the "Corporate Governance Excellence Award", the press release reads.
Grameenphone was recently awarded the "Best Presented Annual Report 2019" under the Communication and Information Technology category by the South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA) and by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB), the press release further said.