Online security clearance for govt job seekers soon

Authorities have decided to modernise the existing security clearance system for government job seekers (ninth, 10th grade/non-cadre) in a bid to make the whole process swift and hassle-free.
Security Services Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs has taken the initiative to bring all the ministries and government offices under one online platform.
A training session was held in this regard at the home ministry office in Dhaka on Wednesday.
Md Abdullah Al Masud Chowdhury, additional secretary (Security and Immigration Wing), home ministry's Security Services Division, presided over the session titled "Online Security Clearance System."
Orientation workshops for all the ministries, divisions, departments and agencies will be held in phases starting from 14 June.
According to sources, all necessary procedures related to the work permits, security clearances for foreign nationals as well as the issuance of dual nationality certificates will be led by this platform.