Nur, 4 others sued over Khulna clash

Two counter-cases have been filed against five people, including Gono Odhikar Parishad's President and former Ducsu VP Nurul Haque Nur, in connection with a clash during the eviction of a club in Khulna.
Nayeem Hawlader, joint convenor of the Khulna metropolitan unit of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement, filed one case, while Sheikh Sakib Ahmed, a district committee member, lodged another at Khulna Sadar Police Station, said Khulna Sadar Police Station officer-in-charge Hawladar Sanwar Hossain Masum.
The case filed by Nayeem Hawlader named four accused: Nurul Haque Nur, SK Rashed (general secretary of the metropolitan unit of Gono Odhikar Parishad), Md Jony (central joint organising secretary of Jubo Odhikar Parishad), and Taizul Islam.
Sheikh Sakib Ahmed's case also includes four accused: Rashed, Jony, Aziz Sheikh Rubel (organising secretary of the Khulna metropolitan unit of Gono Odhikar Parishad), and a person named Hiron.
Earlier, on 21 March, SK Rashed had filed a case against five individuals from the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement: Sajidul Islam Buppi (member secretary of the Khulna district committee), joint convenors Nazmul Hossain and Mohorrom Mahim, joint chief organiser Sheikh Rafsan Jani, and central member Rumi Rahman.
Both parties had filed separate cases and that further steps would be taken after an investigation, added the OC.
Background of the clash
Locals reported that a club named "Panchabeethi Krira Chakra" was situated in a government building of the Public Works Department at Shantidham Mor in Khulna. On 27 January, the building was occupied, and the office of Gono Odhikar Parishad was set up under the leadership of Sheikh Rashidul Islam, general secretary of the party's Khulna metropolitan unit.
After news of the occupation surfaced, Rashed was relieved of his duties that night. However, he continued to conduct party activities from the building even after his dismissal. Recently, signboards of several affiliated organisations were also put up there.
On 17 March, after evening, leaders and activists of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement and the National Citizens' Committee in Khulna circulated messages on Facebook, calling for the eviction of the occupied building. Around 9pm, as they attempted to reclaim the premises, a violent clash broke out between the two groups, leaving several people injured.