Do anti-snoring products really work? Experts weigh in
In some cases, snoring may signal sleep apnoea, a condition in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep

Snoring is not just a minor nuisance—it can disrupt sleep quality, strain relationships, and indicate potential health risks.
While various anti-snoring products claim to provide relief, their effectiveness varies depending on the individual and the underlying cause of snoring, reports Harvard Health Publishing.
Causes of snoring
Snoring occurs when airflow through the mouth and nose is obstructed during sleep, causing tissue vibrations that produce sound. Several factors contribute to this obstruction, including relaxed throat muscles, a backward-slipping tongue, or structural features of the airway. Common triggers include:
- Excess weight, which adds pressure to the airways
- Nasal conditions such as a deviated septum, polyps, or congestion from allergies
- Anatomical features like a long soft palate or enlarged tonsils
- Age-related muscle tone loss
- Alcohol and sedative use, which relax airway muscles
In some cases, snoring may signal sleep apnoea, a condition in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep.
Effectiveness of anti-snoring products
Various anti-snoring devices aim to reduce snoring by keeping the airway open. However, their effectiveness depends on proper use and individual response. If a device does not produce results, consulting a doctor may help identify underlying causes and alternative treatments.
Positional aids
Research indicates that sleeping on one's side significantly reduces snoring for many individuals who do not have sleep apnoea. Positional aids, designed to prevent back-sleeping, offer a practical and cost-effective solution. These range from simple methods—such as sewing a tennis ball onto the back of sleepwear—to specialised vests, pillows, and wearable alarms.
A Sleep & Breathing review found that certain positional aids, such as vests with inflatable chambers, reduced snoring rates by more than half in position-dependent snorers. Wedge pillows were also effective, while wearable alarms that alerted users to change positions showed little improvement in snoring frequency. However, discomfort led some users to discontinue these products, highlighting the need for personalised solutions.
Oral appliances
Oral appliances, similar to retainers, reposition the jaw or hold the tongue forward to prevent airway obstruction during sleep. When fitted by a dentist, these devices can improve sleep quality for both users and their partners.
Over-the-counter versions, known as "boil and bite" appliances, allow users to customise their fit. However, side effects such as drooling, jaw discomfort, and, in some cases, long-term bite alignment changes can occur. Regular monitoring by a dentist can help minimise these issues.
Innovative devices
A newer device, eXciteOSA, has received FDA approval for reducing snoring and mild sleep apnoea. Unlike traditional anti-snoring solutions, this device is worn during the day rather than at night. It works by delivering electrical stimulation to tongue muscles, strengthening them to prevent airway collapse during sleep.
A clinical trial found that after six weeks of daily 20-minute sessions—followed by weekly maintenance—participants experienced reduced snoring severity and duration. Reported side effects included excessive salivation, gagging, and tongue discomfort.
Lifestyle changes to reduce snoring
Not all snoring solutions require purchasing a device. Certain lifestyle adjustments can naturally decrease snoring:
- Avoid alcohol before bedtime to prevent excessive relaxation of throat muscles.
- Maintain a healthy weight to reduce excess tissue around the airways.
- Address nasal issues by using saline rinses, reducing allergens, and using a humidifier if necessary.
- Quit smoking, as tobacco smoke inflames and narrows air passages.
- Change sleep position to side-sleeping, using a body pillow or sewing a tennis ball to the back of sleepwear.
- Elevate the head with extra pillows or a wedge pillow to improve airflow.
While these strategies help with common snoring, persistent symptoms such as gasping for air, frequent awakenings, or excessive daytime sleepiness should be evaluated by a doctor.
Could snoring be a sign of sleep apnoea?
Snoring can sometimes indicate obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), a serious condition in which breathing repeatedly stops during sleep. Additional symptoms include morning headaches, difficulty concentrating, and unrefreshing sleep.
Doctors assess sleep apnoea risk by checking for airway obstruction, neck circumference, and elevated blood pressure. If OSA is suspected, a sleep study—either in a lab or at home—can confirm the diagnosis.
Untreated sleep apnoea increases the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular complications. Individuals experiencing symptoms should seek medical evaluation to determine the best course of treatment.