Another good news from BSMMU: Bone marrow transplant possible at Tk3 lakh
Centre for Blood, Bone Marrow Transplantation and Stem Cell Therapy opened at the hospital

Bone marrow transplant can now be carried out at a cost of as low as Tk3 lakh at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) hospital, according to its vice-chancellor.
After inaugurating the "Centre for Blood, Bone Marrow Transplantation and Stem Cell Therapy" at the hospital yesterday, VC Sharfuddin Ahmed said, "Although it costs as much as Tk20 lakh to perform a bone marrow transplant abroad, it will be possible to provide this service at BSMMU for only Tk3-5 lakh."
The bone marrow transplant is one of the most advanced treatments for blood disorders. The number of patients with leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma is increasing all over the world.
With better diagnosis and detection, the number of blood cancer patients is also on the rise. The role of bone marrow transplant is very important in the treatment of blood cancers including leukaemia.
For patients with thalassemia, a definitive treatment method is hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, also known as bone marrow transplant.
The VC mentioned that on the first day of last year, a successful liver transplant took place at the hospital. Currently, both the liver donor and the recipient are in good health, he said.
"Those who receive services from the bone marrow transplant centre will also stay healthy. Liver transplantation, which costs around Tk1 crore, is being done here for Tk20 lakh, while kidney transplantation, which costs Tk40 lakh, is being carried out at this facility for Tk3 lakh only."
In the past four months, 17 kidney transplants were successfully completed at the specialised hospital with minimal expenses, said Professor Sharfuddin.
"At the university, for the first time, a cadaveric transplant has been successfully performed, and conjoined twins have been separated. Within this year, robotic surgery and hair implantation will also be initiated," he added.
Professor Salahuddin Shah, chairman of Haematology Department, presided over the event. Professor Saif Uddin Ahmed, pro-vice chancellor (administration) of BSMMU, Professor Mohammed Moniruzzaman Khan, pro-vice chancellor (research & development) spoke as special guests.
Bone marrow transplant rate very low compared to requirement
Professor MA Khan, former head of the Haematology Department at Dhaka Medical College and Hospital, told The Business Standard, "At the moment, there are approximately 10,000 patients in the country awaiting transplants. Since 2014, we have been able to perform an average of 20 transplants per year, whereas the need is for 1,000 transplants annually."
He went on to say, "To increase the success rate of bone marrow transplants in the country, we require the necessary manpower and infrastructure. This will enable patients to receive treatment at a lower cost within the country."
In March 2014, the first-ever bone marrow transplant took place at Dhaka Medical College Hospital for a patient named Omar Ali.
However, in 2020, during the Covid-19 period, the bone marrow transplant activities at DMCH were suspended. After a closure of three years, in February 2023, the centre resumed bone marrow transplant procedures.
The cost of a bone marrow transplant at Dhaka Medical College Hospital is around Tk5 lakh. The total cost includes hospital and doctors' fees only. The patients have to spend separately for the expenses for medication.
Besides, bone marrow transplant is currently being performed at Evercare Hospital in Dhaka and Chittagong, Asghar Ali Hospital and Combined Military Hospital.
According to the category, bone marrow transplant is being done in these centres between Tk6-15 lakh. Besides, LabAid Cancer Hospital will start bone marrow transplant from 2024.
Bone marrow transplants are performed in two ways — autologous and allogeneic.
Autologous bone marrow transplant involves harvesting stem cells from the patient's own blood to replace the damaged or infected stem cells in the bone marrow.
On the other hand, allogeneic bone marrow transplant, or stem cell transplant, utilises healthy bone marrow from a suitable donor to replace the unhealthy or damaged bone marrow in the patient.
At private centres, the cost for autologous transplants is around Tk10 lakh, while allogeneic transplants may cost approximately Tk15 lakh.