Prize giving ceremony of inter-college English contest at Presidency University

The prize giving ceremony of the "Inter-College English Language Contest" took place at Presidency University on 21 December, organised by the English Language Club in collaboration with the Department of English.
In the event, GM Kamrul Hassan, managing director of Fiona Bangladesh, was present as the chief guest and Md Habibullah, associate professor and chairman of the Department of English chaired the event, said a press release.
University adviser Maj Gen Kazi Ashfaq Ahmed (Retd), university registrar, Ruhul Amin, Manjurul Haque Khan, Head of Student Affairs and Career Services, chairmen and faculty members of different departments of Presidency University and teachers and students from different renowned colleges of Dhaka were present in the event.

With a view to developing the English Language Skills, an Inter-College English Language Contest was organised on 7 December. The topic of the contest was "English Language: Grammar & Vocabulary Skills".
In the contest, the winning team was from Milestone College and the members were Tassen Raihan Trima, Ummi Fatima Raya and Noushin Anjum Majumder. The 1st runner up team was also from Milestone College and the members were Tasnuva Jannat, Fouzia Tanjim and Afrida Hossain. The 2nd runner up team was from South Point School and College and the members were Azraf Mahi, Bismiha Arham and Habiba Hasan Rafia. The teams were handed the winner's check, crests and certificates.
The programme started with a welcome speech from Shahnaz Akhter, the convener of the English Language Club, which was followed by a motivational speech by the chief guest GM Kamrul Hassan.