Dr Rumi’s family in despair after losing its breadwinner
Dr Rumi, a frontline health worker and medical officer at Ma-O-Shishu Hospital in Chattogram, breathed his last breathe on May 25 leaving behind his wife, two-year-old daughter, parents, and two younger brothers

The death of Dr SM Zafar Hossain Rumi (35) has left his family in grief, distress and despair as his family struggles to make ends meet after losing its sole breadwinner.
Dr Rumi, a frontline health worker and medical officer at Ma-O-Shishu Hospital in Chattogram, started showing coronavirus symptoms on May 10 after he had returned to his home from work.
On May 16, he was taken to the hospital as his health condition deteriorated.
He was tested for Covid-19 twice, but results came out negative on both occasions.
Finally on May 25, Rumi breathed his last breathe leaving behind his wife, two-year-old daughter, parents, and two younger brothers.
His demise has left his family in distress as he was the only wage earner in his family.
Dr Rumi's father Syed Anwar Ali, former health inspector at the health department, is still in shock and has mentally broken down after the death his eldest son.
Anwar Ali went into retirement three years before his tenure ended so that he could collect his pension and bear the expenses of his son's medical education. He hoped his family will attain solvency once again once his son becomes a doctor.
When Rumi got a job in 2015, the light of hope shone brighter as Rumi could then take the responsibility of running the family. The family was heading towards economic solvency but his sudden demise has now led the family into despair.
Anwar Ali said," I spent my entire pension on my son so that he could become a doctor but now he has left us. I cannot earn anymore at this age."
"From where can I get the money to bear the expenses of this family and pay the 25-thousand-taka monthly rent?"
"I have told our landlord that we will leave the house in August," he added.
Meanwhile, Syed Anwar Ali has sought help from the Ma-O-Shishu hospital authorities in this regard.
Based on the appeal, the authorities at Ma-O-Shishu Hospital issued a notice on June 14 urging everyone working there to help the distressed family of their former colleague.
Head of the department of Child health at the hospital, Dr Abu Sayeed Chowdhury said, "Dr Rumi's father came to us seeking help and notified us about the condition of the family at this moment."
"We have already discussed the matter and urged everyone in the hospital to financially help his family," added Dr Sayeed.