3 Ctg steel mills fined Tk16 lakh for polluting environment

The Department of Environment fined three steel mills in Chattogram Tk16 lakh for producing rods while shutting down their Air Treatment Plant (ATP).
The companies that were fined are Benz Industry Limited, CSS Corporation and Islam Steel in the Nasirabad area of Bayazid Bostami Police Station.
Department of Environment Chattogram Office Director Mohammad Nurullah Nuri confirmed the news to The Business Standard and said the mills were fined on Wednesday after a hearing for polluting the environment.
He said the chemist of Chattogram Department of Environment conducted a drive in those mills on 12 October and found evidence of making iron rods by shutting down the ATPs.
"At the hearing, each of the three steel mills was fined Tk5.4 lakh totalling Tk16.2 lakh," Nuri added.
Besides, Haji Washing and Popular Washing were fined Tk1.72 lakh for operating factories while shutting down the effluent treatment plant (ETP).