BMPCA place 5-point proposal for better internet
Mahiuddin highlighted that the number of internet subscribers has increased to 102113000 and their data usage has increased by 25 percent in recent years

Urging the government to improve telecommunication infrastructures, Bangladesh Mobile Phone Consumers' Association (BMPCA) on Tuesday placed a five-point recommendation to ensure uninterrupted high speed internet service at low cost.
BPMCA President Mahiuddin Ahmed at a press conference at Dhaka Reporters' Unity (DRU) said high speed internet facility is a must during the pandemic as most of the work is being done online.
"Telecommunication and internet services are the only means of education, medical, administrative, court, agriculture, business and daily activities during the ongoing epidemic," he said.
Mahiuddin highlighted that the number of internet subscribers has increased to 102113000 and their data usage has increased by 25 percent in recent years.
"Although the number of subscribers have increased customers'suffering has also multiplied due to weak networks and high data cost," he added.
BMPCA's five proposals for uninterrupted high speed internet service at low cost are --- reducing tax rate on telecommunication services, pricing fiber optical network reasonably, eliminating bureaucratic complexities, ensuring adequate frequencies for subscribers, and withdrawing duty on 4G devices import for two months to distribute them at a low price among students with connections via an agreement with the operators.