Shakib Khan files GD against 13 YouTube channels, FB pages

Filmstar Shakib Khan has filed a general diary (GD) against 13 YouTube channels and Facebook pages on allegations of humiliating and defamatory posts hurting his personal life.
Shakib Khan's manager Moniruzzaman filed the GD with Gulshan police station Friday (21 October) on behalf of the actor, duty officer Moshtaq confirmed the news to The Business Standard.
As mentioned in the GD, some personal photos, false information and video images of Shakib Khan are being circulated and published on social media to harm his professional and personal life. This type of organised malicious and defamatory activities by some YouTube channels and Facebook pages are clear violations of the law.
Shakib Khan's image was tarnished due to such satirical posts and videos and his family, relatives, friends and his fans are being humiliated in many ways, the statement added.
The links provided with the GD are being sent to the Cyber Crime Department for investigation, said Gulshan Thana Officer-in-Charge BM Farman Ali.
If the allegations are found to be true, he said, action will be taken against those responsible.
The news of Shakib Khan's marriage with actress Bubli and their child came to light on 30 September.
Since then, there have been allegations that various controversial posts have been made on multiple Facebook pages and YouTube channels on social media.