Over 400 Rohingyas detained in Cox's Bazar for strolling without permission

Police have arrested 443 Rohingyas today from Cox's Bazar beach for strolling around without permission from their shelter in Ukhiya.
According to police sources, Rohingyas have come out of the Ukhiya shelter and were roaming around the beach and surrounding areas. Among them, there was a large number of women and children. They are supposed to seek permission before stepping out of the camp. But they have not done so. As they broke the rules, they've been detained.
The police have also received complaints that some Rohingyas have allegedly harassed tourists when they went to the beach.
Cox's Bazar Sadar Model Police Officer-in-Charge Sheikh Munir-ul-Gias said that the police were tipped off that Rohingyas were harassing tourists. At that time, 443 Rohingyas were detained at Cox's Bazar Sadar Model Police Station.
Deputy Commissioner Mamunur Rashid said the Rohingya detainees could only be handed over to the Office of the Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner through negotiations.