Tax exemption proposed for women-owned SMEs
The exemption will be applicable to only those enterprises that generate Tk70,00,000 or less in turnover

Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal has proposed to exempt small and medium enterprises (SMEs) run by women entrepreneurs from turnover tax in the 2021-22 fiscal year again.
However, the exemption will be applicable to only those enterprises that generate Tk70,00,000 or less in turnover.
"As a special incentive to the SME sector and also for the sake of development of the women entrepreneurs working in the SME sector, I propose to keep up to Tk70,00,000 of business turnover of the women entrepreneurs outside the purview of taxation," he said while announcing the budget for 2021-22 FY in the National Parliament.
He noted that the rise in the number of women entrepreneurs side by side with their male counterparts will ensure the economic and social empowerment of women.