Chattogram is getting 6 commuter trains
The railway authorities will operate the trains on the Chattogram-Patia-Dohazari route from 7 February

Two pairs of commuter trains are set to be launched on Chattogram-Patia-Dohazari route, and another pair on Chattogram-Chittagong University (CU) route.
The railway authorities will operate the trains on Chattogram-Patia-Dohazari route from 7 February.
Railways Minister Nurul Islam Sujan will inaugurate the two trains from Dohazari and Patia on 6 February.
Once Chittagong University reopens, one pair of commuter trains will be launched on the university route from Chattogram.
Md Saheb Uddin, assistant chief operating superintendent of the railways (East), told The Business Standard that the railways minister would inaugurate two new pairs of trains on 6 February, from Dohazari at 12:15pm and from Patia at 1:15pm.
Dohazari Commuter-1 will leave Chattogram Railway Station at 5:30am and reach Patia Station at 6:40am. Dohazari Commuter-2 will leave Patia at 7:30am and reach Chittagong at 9:05am.
Dohazari Commuter-3 will leave Chattogram at 5pm and reach Dohazari at 7:30pm.
Dohazari Commuter-4 will leave Dohazari station at 7:40pm and reach Chattogram at 10:40pm.
Passengers will be able to avail these trains for any of the stations on these routes. The services will be closed on Friday.
The railway authorities will launch another pair of trains named University Commuter-5 and University Commuter-6 when Chittagong University reopens.
University Commuter-5 will leave Chattogram at 4:45pm and reach the campus at 5:45pm. University Commuter-6 will leave Chittagong University at 6pm and reach Chattogram at 7pm.
According to railway sources, Railway Minister Nurul Islam Sujan visited the university by shuttle train on 24 July 2019. At the time, both faculty and students pressed for the launch of a new train to serve the university route.
According to the working timetable-52 of the railways (East), 14 shuttle trains and four commuter trains run on the university route from Chattogram.
Ratan Kumar Chowdhury, manager of Chattogram Railway Station, said two pairs of local trains were currently running on the Chattogram-Dohazari route.