Fourth grader brutally beaten in Mirpur madrasa
T/W: This report contains disturbing images. Reader discretion is advised.

A case has been filed in connection with the brutal torture of a nine-year-old fourth-grade student for two hours by four eighth-grade students at Tanzeemul Ummah Madrasa at Rupnagar of Mirpur in the capital.
Maksuder Rahman, deputy commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police Mirpur division, confirmed the matter to The Business Standard.
Speaking to TBS, the victim's brother Mitul said the attackers had demanded Tk2,000 from his brother. When he refused, they locked him in a room of the residential madarasa and beat him with a steel ruler and a plastic broom.
Video of the incident went viral on social media earlier today (8 March).
The incident, meanwhile, had taken place in the dormitory four days earlier.
"The accused students continued the merciless assault before forcing him to bathe to hide the injuries, then sent him back to his room, warning him not to tell anyone. No teachers or supervisors intervened during the prolonged beating," Mitul told TBS.

"The following day, the madrasa authority -- the principal and vice principal -- allegedly failed to take action. Instead of informing his family, they forced Zamzam to break his fast and gave him a single painkiller on an empty stomach. The injured child was left to suffer in silence, with no medical treatment or concern for his well-being. Meanwhile, we were told that he would not be able to go home during this Eid-ul Fitr for some co-curricular activities."
Sensing something wrong, Mitul visited the madrasa on 6 March and found his brother writhing in pain and unable to move properly.
The family immediately took him to the hospital and later filed a case.
Throughout the 25-hour ordeal, the madrasa never contacted the family, showing complete negligence toward the well-being of their students, Mitul alleged.
When the family requested CCTV footage, madrasa officials allegedly refused.
The Business Standard could not reach the managing director and chairman over the phone.