Glorious 32 years of IUBAT

International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT) is the first non-government University established in Bangladesh and is one of the leading ones. The university focuses on social equity, justice, and gender equality while maintaining its high standards of education and research, said a press release.
Prof Dr M Alimullah Miyan, professor of Dhaka University and former director of IBA, prepared the proposal for establishing IUBAT in 1989, submitted the proposal to the Government of Bangladesh on 27 July, 1989, and founded IUBAT in 1991 as the first private university in Bangladesh.
IUBAT offers Master of Public Health (MPH), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering (BCSE), Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE), Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME), Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (BSEEE), Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSAg), Bachelor of Arts in Tourism and Hospitality Management (BATHM), Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BAEcon) and Bachelor of Arts in English (BAEng).
All the degrees have Outcome Based Education (OBE) curricula taught by all full-time teachers with the majority having higher degrees and PhDs from abroad.
IUBAT is the first private university to introduce BBA, BSN, BATHM, BSAg, and BSME degrees.
All the degrees are approved by the University Grants Commission (UGC). The BCSE, BSCE, and BSEEE degrees have been accredited by the Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE) for IEB affiliations of the graduates. The BSN degree is accredited by the Bangladesh Nursing Midwifery Council (BNMC).

The long-term vision is to produce at least one professional graduate from each village/ward under the theme of "Education for every qualified person, with finance for the meritorious but needy". So far, IUBAT has students and graduates from all 64 Districts, from 540 out of 550 Upazilas (sub-districts) of Bangladesh. Over 13,000 students from 504 Upazilas have already graduated from the university.
Global equivalency of IUBAT degrees is well authenticated in the success of graduates pursuing higher study, including PhDs in different universities around the world.
The United Nations University's Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (RCE) acknowledged the expansion of the Knowledge Based Area Development: A flagship project name Knowledge Based Area Development (KBAD) for its contribution to access to higher education by the vulnerable and marginalized groups. IUBAT was ranked as the 254th most sustainable world university in 2022 by the UI Green Metric World University Ranking. IUBAT has been ranked as the 39th most ethical university in the world by the World Universities with Real Impact (WIRI).
The university was ranked 601-800 in Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2022, 3rd among Bangladeshi Private Universities, and 339th in the Asiatic region. IUBAT was ranked 735th in the SCImago Institutions Rankings in 2022. All these rankings bear testimony to IUBAT's stature around the globe.
IUBAT has memoranda of understanding with 112 higher education and professional institutions in Europe, North America, Australia, Asia, and Africa for student and faculty exchange, joint research, credit transfer, higher studies, and internships.
The university has students from 12 countries. The university receives exchange faculty and students, mostly from Canada and USA, every year.
IUBAT provides Tk20 million in scholarships, tuitions waiver, and grants annually for students from Bangladesh and from other countries of the world.
The university has made enormous progress with research initiatives under several institutions, a 20 million research endowment, and the regular publication of a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed research journal. Presently over 30 research projects are ongoing with the own funding of the university.