Walton sets example in environmental protection

Speakers at a seminar noted that Walton has set an exemplary example in protecting ozone depletion as well as controlling global warming.
"Walton has been manufacturing, marketing and exporting environmentally friendly energy-efficient products. At Walton factory, the 'World's First HFC Phase Out' project was implemented. Of late, Walton initiated the HCFC phase-out project in its air conditioner manufacturing factory. Implementation of these projects at Walton factory has been preventing the ozone layer depletion through curbing large amounts of harmful substances emission into the earth atmosphere. In fact, Walton is ahead of other industries in environment protection," speakers made the remarks at a seminar on 'World Ozone Day-2021' held at the conference room of Walton Corporate Office in the capital on Saturday.
The Department of Environment (DoE) and Walton Hi-Tech Industries Limited jointly organised the seminar to mark the 'World Ozone Day,' celebrated internationally on 16 September every year for creating awareness against the ozone layer depletion and global warm control.
This year's theme for the international day is 'Montreal Protocol- Keeping us, our food, and vaccines cool'.
Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change Md Shahab Uddin attended the seminar as the chief guest while Deputy Minister Begum Habibun Nahar, Walton Hi-Tech Industries Limited Chairman SM Nurul Alam Rezvi and Vice Chairman SM Shamsul Alam were special guests.
Speakers at the event said, the ozone layer is a blessing for the world and the animal. It is the filter of the earth. But the use of harmful chemicals and gases has been depleting the ozone layer. And thus, the World Treaty on the Protection of the Ozone Layer was signed in 1986 in Montreal, Canada. Bangladesh is one of the signatories to the Montreal Protocol. Under the protocol, works is going on to control the use of about 100 ozone depleting substances. In this case, Walton has been making a remarkable contribution to the private sector.
Walton's projects to prevent the ozone layer depletion and control global warming have reduced the carbon emissions equivalent to 543K tons and also saved 30% electricity. As a recognition of its outstanding contribution to pollution control and environmental protection, Walton was honoured with the 'National Environment Award- 2017.'
Speaking as the chief guest, Minister Md Shahab Uddin appreciated the various initiatives taken by Walton to protect the ozone layer. He said, "The present government is committed to building a green and beautiful Bangladesh. We, the Environment, Forests and Climate Change Ministry, are working relentlessly with the government and the non-government organizations including Walton to ensure the protection of environment."
Deputy Minister Begum Habibun Nahar said, "Walton is ahead of all others in protecting the ozone layer and the environment. Beyond the country's boundary, Walton products have reached many countries in the world. Walton's steps in environmental protection are exemplary for other organisations as well."
Walton Hi-Tech Industries Chairman SM Nurul Alam Rezvi urged the government for making the star rating system mandatory for all locally produced as well as imported air conditioners for the sake of ensuring environment-friendly atmosphere through the use of energy-efficient products.
The DoE's Director General Md Ashraf Uddin presided over the seminar. The DoE Dhaka Region's Director Md Ziaul Haque and Senior Officer (Ozone Cell) Dr Satyendra Kumar Purkayastha addressed the seminar.
Among others, Walton Hi-Tech Industries' Additional Managing Director Abul Bashar Hawlader, Deputy Managing Directors Nazrul Islam Sarker, Amdadul Haque Sarker, Eva Rezwana Nilu, Md. Humayun Kabir, Shoaib Hossen Nobel and Alamgir Alam Sarker, Senior Executive Directors SM Zahid Hasan and Uday Hakim, and other senior officials of Walton, UNDP Bangladesh as well as the DoE were also present.