tap brings DPS facility to customers

Trust Axiata Pay-tap, one of the country's leading mobile financial service providers, brings a DPS facility for its customers. The initiative easily facilitates General and Shariah-based Islamic savings with mutual initiative of tap and Mutual Trust Bank.
tap and Mutual Trust Bank jointly launces the service facility of DPS On 21 December at the MTB head office Gulshan, Dhaka, read a press release.
In the launching event ceremony, Dewan Nazmul Hasan, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of tap; Shahjalal Uddin, Vice President, Commercial; Mozibor Rahman, Consultant, Technology, Ashikur Rahman Habibi Rabbi, Head of Corporate Affairs and Media Relations, Nazrul Islam Zaman, Head of Product, Tokee Mesbah Uddin, Senior manager product Management, Syed Mahbubur Rahman, MD & CEO of MTB, Chowdhury Akhtar Asif, AMD & CRO, Rais Uddin Ahmad, DMD & CAMLCO, Khalid Mahmood Khan, DMD & CBO, Shafquat Hossain, Head of retail banking, Khalid Hossin, Division Head of Digital Banking, Md. Arif Bin Idrish, Divisional Head, Islamic Banking were present.
tap customers neither have to stand in a queue nor visit a bank to make payment for the DPS service. Anyone can easily open and operate an account through the tap app. Through tap, a certain amount of money every month would be deposited automatically into the designated bank account.
For savings, both general and Islamic DPS can be opened. By accessing the tap app, anyone can easily avail the DPS facility by opening an account and providing information about how much money you will pay per month and certain months.
The user also provides information on which date of the month the money will be deducted from their tap account. The payment information would be notified by the tap apps. Notably, the amount of Islamic DPS will not be added to the general banking stream however, the amount will be earmarked separately. Wherein, the customers will get their share of the profit.
Dewan Nazmul Hasan, CEO of tap has said, "Digital banking service is now one step ahead with tap. We always try to make our customers able to take advantage of various payment options with tap Wallet. Now, marginal people of our country very easily can save digitally at home and manage DPS from tap wallet. There is no substitute for savings services for future financial benefits."
Md Syed Mahbubur Rahman, Managing Director and CEO of Mutual Trust Bank also added that, "There is no alternative to savings considering the financial security and planning of the future. Banking facilities are now at the grip of hand with the endowment of technology."
To get more details about the DPS service, anyone can contact tap official number-16733 or 09612201201.