SMAC HRS launches TaxDo software for taxpayers

SMAC HRS Ltd has launched a software named TaxDo, developed by SMAC IT Ltd, enabling taxpayers to file their returns digitally without any hassle.
The software was launched in a webinar on Personal Income Tax Return arranged by SMAC HRS Ltd in association with the industry experts on Monday.
Snehasish Barua, director, SMAC HRS, welcomed the guests and participants who attended the webinar followed by a brief introduction to the TaxDo software.
SMAC IT officials gave a short presentation on TaxDo – a simple and easy-to-use platform that can reliably process data so that taxpayers can file their returns without any hassle. This incredible product is available for a very nominal fee, read a press statement.
Industry experts – Md Anowar Hossain, former assistant general secretary, Dhaka Taxes Bar Association; Mohammad Jahangir Alam, former joint secretary, Chittagong Taxes Bar Association, and SM Rashidul Islam, general secretary, Economic Reporters' Forum (ERF), as the special guests, attended the webinar and gave their valuable comments.
Amit Dhar, senior manager at Snehasish Mahmud & Co, gave a live presentation on personal income tax filing to approximately 395 participants who joined the discussion.
The informative presentation was followed by a question and answer session, where participants' queries were addressed by Apurba Kanti Das, director of Snehasish Mahmud & Co Chartered Accountants.