Monir Ahmed Academy holds meeting to discuss science

Monir Ahmed Academy Private Cadet College held a meeting to discuss various science-related topics including free blood grouping and Hepatitis B routine checkup in Sylhet, recently.
The meeting was chaired by Moniruddin Ahmed, founder chairman of Monir Ahmed Academy Private Cadet College, while South Surma Upazila Nirbahi Officer Nusrat Laila Nira attended as chief guest.
Microbiologist Dr Sejuti Saha, director of Child Health Research Foundation, Dhaka, was the lead speaker.
Upazila Nirbahi Officer Nusrat Laila Nira said, "Students are our future leaders. In the current digital age, students should gain experience in science and move forward through education."
Rantu Roy, headmaster of Haji Mohammad Raja Chowdhury High School addressed the function as the special guest.