Delta Life Insurance Company Ltd celebrates 3 decades

Delta Life Insurance Company Limited, a private sector life insurance company, celebrated three decades in the field of life insurance.
On this occasion, the company organised a function in the conference room of Delta Life Tower, Gulshan, Dhaka, said a press release.
Saifuzzaman Chowdhury MP, land minister, attended as chief guest which was presided over by Hafiz Ahmed Chowdhury MP, chairman of the Board of Directors.
Among others, Monzurur Rahman, chairman, Publali Bank Limited and former Chairman and Sponsor Director, Professor Dr Md Junaid Shafiq, vice chairman, directors and Anwarul Haque, CEO were also present on the occasion.
According to the media release, the land minister praised the company's present enviable health of life fund, assets, highest policy bonus offer to policyholder and capability of paying claims within due time.