ACI Motors launches 'Lovol Harvester Free Service Campaign' in Thkaurgaon

Wheat harvesting has started in different areas in Bangladesh at present. Wheat harvesting has also started in Thakurgaon district. Combine harvesters from different districts of the country are coming to Thakurgaon on the occasion of wheat harvesting.
To ensure better performance of these harvesters during wheat harvesting and also to ensure hassle-free harvesting ACI Motors has organized a Harvester Free Service Campaign, reads a press release.
"Lovol Harvester Free Service Campaign" was organized by ACI Motors at Rampur Primary School of Shibganj Upazila of Thakurgaon District on 24th March 2024. The main purpose of this program was to provide timely service and harvester spare parts at affordable prices to harvester customers. Around 200 combine harvester owners and harvester operators participated in the event organized by ACI Motors.
For the participating harvester owners and operators, the event organized free health check-ups, harvester-free service registration (attractive gift only after registration), and harvester spare parts at 6% discount price. There were also sports activities to entertain the customers and attractive prizes for the winners. The event was graced by the presence and speeches of Deputy Director Md. Sirajul Islam (Agriculture Extension Office), Upazila Agriculture Officers, and high officials of ACI Motors.
This year, ACI Motors brought Lovol AC cabin combine harvester. This new addition of ACI Motors to further encourage new and young entrepreneurs to take up harvesting with this combine harvester in the coming summer season.