Midland Bank distributes CMSME Stimulus Loan in Narayanganj’s Jamdani Cluster

Midland Bank Limited (MDB), in collaboration with NGO USHA Foundation, arranged an open loan disbursement ceremony on Monday(6 June) for the stakeholders of Jamdani Cluster, Narayanganj, under cluster-based financing in the CMSME sector.
Midland Bank disbursed Tk.1.00 Crore among 40 entrepreneurs through an open loan disbursement ceremony at the conference hall of USHA Foundation in Naryanganj during this time, reads a press release.
The Bank disbursed these loans directly at the entrepreneurial level through the formation of clusters in collaboration with the USHA Foundation.
During the loan disbursement programme, a total of Tk.4.50 Crore was sanctioned by Midland Bank out of which, Tk.1.00 Crore was disbursed directly to the aforementioned 40 borrowers of the Jamdani Cluster.
Md Ahsan-uz Zaman, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Midland Bank Ltd. handed over the cheques to the borrowers as the chief guest on the occasion.
Md Sharafat Ullah Khan, Deputy General Manager, SME and Special Programmes Division, Bangladesh Bank was present on the occasion as a special guest.
Among others, Md Tajul Islam, Executive Director, USHA Foundation, Md Javed Tareq Khan, Head of Institutional Banking Division, MDB, Md Ahsan Jamil Hossain, Head of SME Banking Division, MDB were also present on the occasion.