WHO and Viber work together to combat Covid-19 misinformation
The chatbot aims to combat fake news and false information that has been rapidly circulating about the virus to assist people who are looking for accurate health information

Rakuten Viber and the World Health Organization (WHO) have collaborated to fight the misinformation spreading around the topic of COVID-19 with an interactive multi-language chatbot that will be available globally.
The chatbot aims to combat fake news and false information that has been rapidly circulating about the virus to assist people who are looking for accurate health information, according to a WHO press release.
The chatbot is free and already available for all Viber users globally. All the users who will download the pack from the Vibers sticker market will get smooth and instant access to the chatbot. The bot is available through this link as well: https://vb.me/c6e9fa
The chatbot is available in English, Arabic, Russian, and soon to be translated into 20 more languages, including Bangla. It highlights the most commonly asked questions and the latest news related to the pandemic. The "Donate Now" button prompts users to support the WHO fight against the pandemic through donating to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.
"WHO aims to reach as many people as possible with reliable health information through innovative digital technology," regarding this, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization said
Djamel Agaoua, CEO, Rakuten Viber added, "Use the chatbot yourself, support and protect your relatives by sharing it with them. Digital is safe."