Prize-giving ceremony of Valorant PowerUp Series held

After the successful completion of ESPL Valorant PowerUp Series 1, the prize money distribution ceremony took place at Ozz Café, Dhanmondi on Wednesday.
The total prize money for Series 1 of ESPL Valorant PowerUp was BDT 1,90,800.
The Chief guests of the event were Tanvir Ahmed, deputy head of department- marketing, and Hasibul Hasan Tanim, deputy head, Brand and Communications from Bongo.
Along with them Md. Shihabuzzaman, Community lead of ESPL Bangladesh who hosted the event.
"Since launching operations in Bangladesh, we have hosted tournaments for thousands of players. Many of which were newly founded teams and young talent. This is just the first step of many for ESPL in Bangladesh. We look forward to rewarding many more talented esports players in the near future and create a path to being global champions." says Michael Broda, CEO, and Co-Founder of ESPL.
The prize money was handed over to the 6 winners of ESPL Valorant PowerUp Series 1 - for both the Amateur Cup and Invitational Cup. The Champion team of the Amateur Cup, Hawx Gaming, 1st RunnerUp BD HeadHunters, 2nd Runners Up Vanquished Paradox Gaming proved their worth through intense rounds of battle.
The winners of Invitational Cup, Exceeli Esports – Champion, Lariox Esports – 1st Runners Up and Zeusaberz – 2nd Runners Up were also invited.
"Bongo's goal is to entertain whether it is through streaming or gaming. We are extremely excited to introduce esports to the Bangladesh Audience! We look forward to help grow esports in the future "- Fayaz Taher, Chief Operating Officer, Bongo.
ESPL wants to continue fostering local gamer communities and elevate Bangladesh's esports space by nurturing more professional gamers who can be the nation's flag carrier in the international arena.
Esports Players League better known as ESPL is the first global online esports technology and tournament platform. With a growing network of 13 countries worldwide, ESPL Bangladesh took off in 2021.
ESPL Bangladesh launched the first tournament, a six-month-long series – ESPL Valorant PowerUp. The overwhelming response from the gaming community showed promise to the booming future of the esports scene in Bangladesh.