US assures Bangladesh assistance in purchasing locomotives
LaFave also assured the adviser of investing in Land Based Gas plants and standing by Bangladesh of roads, bridges, and tunnels construction in the future

The United States has assured Bangladesh that it will assist in purchasing locomotives.
"We will also help to enhance renewable energy by focusing on technological aspects and developing Battery Energy Storage Systems," Chargé d'Affaires Helen LaFave of US Embassy in Bangladesh said during a meeting with Road Transport and Bridges Adviser Muhammad Fouzul Kabir Khan in the Secretariat today (29 August).
LaFave also assured the adviser of investing in Land Based Gas plants and standing by Bangladesh of roads, bridges, and tunnels construction in the future.
During the meeting, Fouzul, also the Power, Energy, and Mineral Resources adviser, thanked the United States for its partnership and cooperation in various development sectors of Bangladesh.
He talked about the Chargé d'Affaires of the government's strong and uncompromising stance against corruption, injustice, and inequality.
"The government has already repealed Section 34(a) of the Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission to ensure transparency and accountability to the people," Fouzul Kabir said.
Acting Economic Chief of the US Embassy James Gardiner, USAID Mission Director Reed Aeschliman, Embassy Commercial Counsellor John Fay, and senior officials of the ministry, also were present at the meeting.