Two agencies plan footbridges in same locations in Chattogram
Experts said taking up separate projects for the same purpose is a clear example of the lack of coordination between two agencies

- Both CCC and CDA have planned footbridges at 4 intersections
- CCC plans to build 4 footbridges at these intersections
- CDA wants to build 6 footbridges at these intersections
- The agencies discussed the project plans, but failed to avoid repetition
The Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) received the Ecnec's approval for building four footbridges at KEPZ, Kathgarh, Lalkhan Bazar and Badamtali intersections in the port city around two and a half months ago.
Meanwhile, a project of the Chattogram Development Authority (CDA) to build six footbridges at the same intersections is awaiting approval from the Planning Commission.
Experts said this is a clear example of the lack of coordination between the city's two service providing agencies. Despite repeated calls for coordination among the government offices to avoid repetition of project works, officials of the two agencies are not taking cognizance of it.
According to CCC sources, the Ecnec approved the project titled "Development of Various Roads Including Airport Road and Important Infrastructural Development under Chattogram City Corporation" on 4 January this year.
Under the project involving Tk2,490.96crore, 38 footbridges will be constructed at 31 intersections across the city at the cost of Tk58 crore.
According to the project proposal, 11 of these footbridges will be constructed on the road from the Lalkhanbazar area in the city to Patenga beach.
Meanwhile, CDA has taken a project to build eight footbridges on the same road under the Elevated Expressway project. In October last year, CDA sent a proposal to revise the project cost to the Ministry of Housing and Public Works.
Later, the ministry sent the project proposal with a revised cost of Tk4,550crore to the Planning Commission. Tk12 crore has been allocated for the construction of eight footbridges in the project.
One footbridge will be constructed at Lalkhanbazar, two at Badamtali, one at Customs, two at KPZ, one at Kathgarh and one at the Bangabandhu Tunnel intersection under the project.
Both CCC and CDA have prepared plans to build footbridges at the KEPZ, Kathgarh, Lalkhanbazar and Badamtali intersections under their respective projects.
Architect Zarina Hossain, general secretary of Forum for Planned Chattogram, said, "We have been complaining about the people's misery caused by the lack of coordination among the service providers, but the officials concerned do not pay attention to this."
"For this reason, more than one project is being taken for the same purpose. The officials of the agencies concerned are involved in an unhealthy competition over these projects," she added.
CDA Chief Engineer Kazi Hassan bin Shams said, "We have decided to build these footbridges where the elevated expressways are being constructed. The city corporation did not inform us that they would build footbridges in the CDA's project area."
"These footbridges will be constructed based on the needs of different stakeholders in the project area. There is no scope for the city corporation to work in the CDA project area," the CDA chief engineer said.
Rafiqul Islam, the chief engineer of CCC, said, "We discussed the project with the CDA before taking it. We did not include in our project the intersections where CDA planned to build footbridges. I do not understand how there were repetitions of project work despite all the caution."