Tank-lorry owners call off strike

Khulna Tank-Lorry Owners Association has called off the strike for an increase in tanker fares and commission on the sale of fuel oil.
They took the decision in a meeting with Khulna Deputy Commissioner Md Moniruzzaman Talukdar on Sunday (7 August) afternoon.
"He (DC) reassured us in the long meeting and wanted to discuss our demands with the superior officers as soon as possible. So we called off the strike for the time being. Oil transportation will resume from tomorrow morning," said Bangladesh Fuel Oil Distributors Association Khulna Divisional Committee Secretary Sheikh Murad Hossain.
He warned that the distributors will call another strike if the demands are not met soon.
Fuel oil transportation to 14 districts remained suspended since morning as Khulna tank-lorry owners association announced a 24-hour transportation shutdown.
Sheikh Murad Hossain also said, "We have been demanding an increase in the rent of tanks and to increase the commission of pump owners for the last 7 years. Even though the price of oil was increased twice, the government did not accept our demand."