Traffic awareness: Child commuters get helmet from Uttara traffic zone
Dhaka Metropolitan Police’s (DMP) Uttara traffic zone on Wednesday morning provide helmets to around 30 child commuters in capital’s Uttara area

Child commuters who used to go school on motorcycle with their guardian get helmet as a gift from the traffic department.
Dhaka Metropolitan Police’s (DMP) Uttara traffic zone on Wednesday morning provide helmets to around 30 child commuters in capital’s Uttara area.
Zulfikar Ali, senior assistant commissioner of Uttara traffic zone told The Business Standard that though the average people are aware wearing helmet in most of the cases children are not wearing helmet while ride on a motorcycle.
As a part of awareness building programme we are doing this activity. We hope that it will help to create awareness among the both riders and children too.
Raihan Ferdous, third grader in a English medium school of Uttara said that I’m very happy to get the helmet from police officials.
“I was not expected to get it though it is very for my safety. I’m thankful to them,” he added with a smiling face.