Students block road in Mohammadpur demanding ‘half pass’

Students from different schools and colleges have blocked Mohammad bus stand road in the capital today demanding half pass in local buses.
The students blocked the road halting vehicular movement in the Mohammadpur bus stand intersection around 10:30am on Monday and staged a demonstration for ensuring "half pass" for students on local buses.
According to the students, many students who use this bus route every day are not being charged half fare while being treated badly for asking about it.
Earlier, the Passengers Welfare Association of Bangladesh issued a press release saying half bus fare is not just the demand of students and standing passengers, it is their right.
The association said fares are fixed considering that 70% of the bus would be full-on average, meaning the whole expense is borne by 70% of passengers.
On 20 November, the bus owners said they seek government assistance after students of different institutions vandalised a number of buses in the capital on Saturday morning.
The following day, RAB detained a bus driver and his helper over an alleged rape threat made to a female student of Begum Badrunnesa College after she offered half bus fare.