Saima Wazed for making right to health a reality for all

Saima Wazed, regional director of WHO South-East Asia Region, has urged people to fulfill the right to health by ensuring that health services are available, accessible, acceptable, and of adequate quality.
"Realising the right to health for all means creating conditions where everyone, everywhere can access high quality health facilities, services and goods that prioritise people's needs, understanding and dignity," she said in a statement ahead of the World Health Day.
"It also means a full set of rights that enable people to live healthily, such as education, safe water and food, nutritious food, adequate housing, good working and environmental conditions, and information – the underlying determinants of health," Saima said.
On World Health Day, celebrated on 7 April to mark the foundation of the World Health Organization, the spotlight this year is on 'My Health, My Right', as in a world witnessing multiple crises, from diseases to disasters to conflicts and climate change, realising people's right to health is now more important than ever, according to the statement released on Wednesday (3 April).
As WHO marks its seventy-sixth year on 7 April, the South-East Asia Region has seen many gains and has much to celebrate with regard to the right to health.
"However, despite progress, we still have a considerable way to go to make the right to health a reality for all in the WHO South-East Asia Region," the regional director said.