CEC will resign if anything goes against public interest, hopes Zafrullah

The founder and trustee of Gonoshasthaya Kendra Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury expressed hope that Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Kazi Habibul Awal will resign if something goes against public interest.
"I think they [CEC and four election commissioners] still want to listen. I am still hopeful that I will not be disappointed, he [CEC] will surely succeed. I think, if something goes against the public interest, he will resign keeping his backbone straight," he said while talking to reporters following a meeting with the CEC at the election building on Wednesday (24 August).
In response to a question Dr Zafrullah said, "It is the main responsibility of the EC to ensure participation of voters. The decision to use EVM in 150 seats was wrong. Don't do anything that might lead to the election not happening at all. That's why my proposal is to use EVM in 5 polling centres of the 300 seats instead of 150."
In response to another question, he said, "If other parties including BNP boycott [elections] because of EVMs, the responsibility will fall on EC. There is no doubt about it. The responsibility will fall on the government as well as the EC. It seems to me that they [EC and govt] are not in 100% agreement. They are under pressure from the government, they are still contemplating."
"We need a fair election, so does Sheikh Hasina. There is considerable possibility of cheating through EVMs. That is why it cannot be accepted," said Dr Zafrullah.
He also said, "The High Court has ruled in favour of Junaid Saki to register the political party Gonoshonghoti Andolon. I told the CEC about this, to complete it [registration]. Then people will not misunderstand you."
Dr Zafrullah, who is also the chief advisor of Bhasani Anusari Parishad, had met with the CEC to demand the registration of the political party Bhashani Anusari Parishad.