Peacock and ostrich chicks hatch at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park

Two chicks, one peacock and one ostrich, have hatched from 20 eggs at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park located at Dulahazara, Chakriar, Cox's Bazar.
As a result, the number of peacocks in the park has now increased to 31, and the number of ostriches to five.
Mazharul Islam, supervisor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park confirmed the news and said, "One out of the 30 peacocks in the park laid 10 eggs at the beginning of last May. These eggs were collected and placed in incubators [artificial breeding machines] at the park's wildlife hospital."
"After a month, on 4 June, only one egg was hatched. Most of the eggs did not even develop chicks. Those which were developed also died before even hatching," he added.
He further said, "Four ostriches were brought from Gazipur on 13 December and one of these birds laid 10 eggs at the end of March this year. However, only one chick hatched from those eggs after 42 days."
Mazharul said, "Peacocks and ostriches laid 20 eggs, but chicks did not hatch as expected due to lack of electricity and only two were born."
The chicks were kept in quarantine at the park's wildlife hospital until Tuesday (4 July).
Mazharul added that they are raising two chicks under observation.
In 2007 and 2008, different species of peacocks were brought to the safari park.
Presently, there are 292 animals at different enclosures of the park including tigers, lions, zebras, wildebeest, hippopotamus, peacocks, crocodiles, elephants, bears and more.
Besides, there are more than 3,000 animals of different tribes including deer, monkeys, porcupines, and wild cocks.